Monday, December 20, 2010

When It All Started....

    It was in my early college years when i got my first car.The year was 2001. Well, to tell you THE TRUTH.My dad is the one that decided on what car is the best for me. At that time, the car that i want the most was the Honda Civic Ferio Coupe EG9. Can u believe it? ( Influenced by the movie "Fast and Furious" at that time ) Remember the scene from the first Fast and Furious movie when Vin Diesel and his gangs are about to rob a truck full of goodies? I was mesmerized by the sound of the V-Tec and the Green Neons underneath the cars. Haha. But at that time, a Civic Ferio Coupe was hard to find in Malaysia. I decided to go for the four door version.

    Well,on one fine Sunday morning my dad,mom and i decided it was the best time for us to go and "buy" me a car. I didn't have a single clue where they are taking me. After about 15 minutes drive, we arrived and it was at the Proton Center near Sungai Mas which is near Jinjang. I couldn't believe my luck when they've decided to buy me a brand new Proton Satria GTi. I was speechless, i never thought that they would buy me a GTi, not by a long shot. I'd always think about that Civic Ferio in my head and suddenly a GTi?? I mean, a Civic Ferio at that time costs around 40k 45k, a brand new Satria GTi costs about 73k. It never crossed my mind at that time since the GTi is more expensive than the Ferio. But what the heck, its the best gift my parents ever give me.
Proton Satria GTi
     I drove it for about 6 month. I enjoyed driving the car. No modification done and she was simply a virgin. It all started when one night, due to the limited parking space available at my house,my dad parked the car outside of the house. I was sleeping in my bed room when suddenly my dad hears the alarm coming from the GTi. In a split second,just right when my dad is about to get off his bed,the car alarm went silent. When he got to the window, the car was gone, vanished into thin air. My dad scrambled to woke me up and i still can remember exactly what he said to me that night "Along,your car's gone". It was just like a dream, at that time i was a little bit "mamai". I couldn't believe that my car's gone. The next morning, my dad and i went to the police station to lodge a report about the stolen GTi. The police couldn't do a thing about it since the GTi is on the "Hot List" for car theives. I went home heart broken and as for the insurance claim,i waited for almost a year to obtain it. About the GTi, may she R.I.P. The registration number of the car was WKC 7959.

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